“Bank My Gold”
I put this on the shareholders site, first not sure if you respond to all input!
Keeping it simple!
If say 1 oz of gold was valued today at £1000.
I put £1000 into my Tally account, this then locks my 1 oz in place! ( bank my gold!)
My next investment gains me 1/2 oz which I leave to grow hopefully in value until I’m ready to add money.
Say now to get to 1oz I need to pay £1100, I’d then book my next 1oz at £1100.
So now “Bank my Gold “ is;
1 oz x £1000
1 oz x £1100
Plus my running account to pay for storage and fees
Within my “bank my gold “ could also include costings to have each oz of Gold if required, to be sent out in a solid form!
Now, if Gold falls to say £900 per oz, I could then afford to buy 2 oz.
So “Bank my Gold “ now holds;
1 oz x £1000 Gold Cert no 1
1 oz x £1100. Gold Cert no 2
2 oz x £900. Gold Cert no 3/4
Total 4 oz = £3900
Now if the new Gold value is £1500/oz.
My Gold is now worth £6000!
So, I’ve still got my 4 oz of gold in the bank, but the price has increased now to £1500/oz
I could then decide if it makes sense, to float each of my Gold Certs within my account (release it to the market forces)
i.e. now my account shows all my Gold Certs that could be traded within the Tally holders, wishing to buy my Gold Certs at a price agreed between both parties.
Which could be below the current market value as having “banked” the Gold, I’d have a greater margin to play with !
( each transaction would be by Gold Cert number, I could decide to just sell Gold Cert no 2) that Cert number is then deleted from the “Bank my Gold “ account!
Alternatively, I can leave any amount in the bank or take it out completely!
Just some open sky thinking!
Would it work ?