A shocking statement from the director!
“Tally is not about gold, it’s about money. And the product UX is that of an everyday account so people understand this can be used as an alternative form of mainstream money for their payments and savings.”
This account is 100% about gold, there is nothing here if not for gold. I wouldn’t be here or any of the numerous people I’ve introduced to this account if it wasn’t all about the gold.
It’s an account that allows easy spending and saving of gold, just because it’s called tally, it doesn’t change the fact it is gold, not some magical new money. That’s like saying bacon isn’t pig.
This mindset of Cameron’s, it’s not about gold but my personal new money, goes a long way to explaining why this product is having problems gaining traction, especially with the unhelpful tally figures in the app and statements.
@cameron-tally can we please have something in the app that relates to the amount of gold we hold in this gold account. ie. show the balance in grams and ounces (of tally not gold, if you must) along with the huge and unhelpful quantities of tally that equals our amount of £ value.
Please have a long hard think about what people want, how people think, and what makes an account holding gold easy to associate with gold, rather than thinking anyone is ever going to look at some long numbers called tally and know what it is worth in £’s or the weight of gold they came here to get exposure to.
There’s not long left for this company to make it relatable to the product it is built on, rather than trying to hide the fact it is gold.