
A shocking statement from the director!

“Tally is not about gold, it’s about money. And the product UX is that of an everyday account so people understand this can be used as an alternative form of mainstream money for their payments and savings.”

This account is 100% about gold, there is nothing here if not for gold. I wouldn’t be here or any of the numerous people I’ve introduced to this account if it wasn’t all about the gold.

It’s an account that allows easy spending and saving of gold, just because it’s called tally, it doesn’t change the fact it is gold, not some magical new money. That’s like saying bacon isn’t pig.

This mindset of Cameron’s, it’s not about gold but my personal new money, goes a long way to explaining why this product is having problems gaining traction, especially with the unhelpful tally figures in the app and statements.

@cameron-tally can we please have something in the app that relates to the amount of gold we hold in this gold account. ie. show the balance in grams and ounces (of tally not gold, if you must) along with the huge and unhelpful quantities of tally that equals our amount of £ value.

Please have a long hard think about what people want, how people think, and what makes an account holding gold easy to associate with gold, rather than thinking anyone is ever going to look at some long numbers called tally and know what it is worth in £’s or the weight of gold they came here to get exposure to.

There’s not long left for this company to make it relatable to the product it is built on, rather than trying to hide the fact it is gold.


Well said

It’s a massive delusion Cameron has with this being a new form of currency. It’s not and won’t be. It’s a way to get exposure to gold with the convenience of being able to “spend” it.

The focus is all wrong here.

He actually said years ago that he wasn’t a gold guy. Which I think didn’t bode well then and doesn’t now tbh.

@JonnyE thank you for always being engaged. We appreciate your feedback, even when we disagree.

To your point about gold, we’re not hiding the fact the customer owns gold and one of our audience cohorts is focused on easy inexpensive gold ownership, but there is a bigger application and audience for TallyMoney as a full reserve monetary system. The need for that product may be a topic for you and Cameron to debate over the coming years, but that’s Tally’s core purpose. Back to the gold piece, we have never had customer feedback saying they didn’t understand units of tally are gold, and if you click on unrealised gain indicator image in the top right of your app’s home screen, tally and gold is reiterated in more detail. We will discuss putting the “t1 = 1 mg gold” back on the home screen, rather than just on that breakout page. Thanks again for your comments.

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More waffle

Waffle Kris

When are Jenkins going to start dealing with lots of liquidity so people can buy! Or more likely sell

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I didn’t say customers don’t understand that the fractions of tally are gold, gold is why they are here so they would obviously understand you are calling gold, tally. What I am saying is what I’ve always said, no one thinks in the denomination of tally when accessing their account, no one will ever be able to equate an amount of tally to either gold or pounds £’s. Even you have no idea how much 247,438 tally is in £’s or weight of gold, or how much a pint of milk is in tally or how much change in tally you’d get from £10 if you bought that milk. It is an irrelevant figure for 99% of your customers, it’s simply an accounting fraction with the name tally.

Tally will never be a significant full reserve monetary system. Gold used to be the monetary system but it has been replaced with a fractional reserve currency system, and those in power have spent billions keeping it that way. Thousands of people have written thousands of articles and books about returning to a gold monetary system but it hasn’t happened. Tally has so far burned through about £20 million or so, and could burn through billions more trying to create this and it will also fail.

Millions of people transact billions in bitcoin daily, thousands of people would love to have bitcoin as reserve monetary system including many governments and countries, but that hasn’t happened, but here is far more chance of that happening in the future than tally creating a new monetary system, other than for the 1% of their customers.

All I’m saying is, the arrogance of thinking one person can build a new gold backed monetary system when no one else has been able to, is a path to failure. I don’t think there will be many years to debate this, if we continue down this tally monetary system futile route, rather than concentrating on the gold aspect.

Tally’s customers are here for the exposure to gold with the convenience of a debit card that converts it back to pounds when spent using that debit card, or transferring out of their account.

The gold aspect should be the main priority of the app, and the app 100% based on that, because that’s what it is for and why your customers are here. The new tally monetary system might have some chance of actually becoming relevant if tally hits over half the population of the UK in customer numbers, other than that, the numbers of tally shown in the account are simply fractions of gold called something else, which no one can relate to their finances or weight of gold they are here to own.

On another note, I agree with @Valhalla14 I was going to comment of the corporate waffle in the Q&A but didn’t bother, please don’t let this rub off on you, just leave the corporate waffle in the office, I don’t know anyone that likes to hear it, even those mates I have that work in corporations get sick of it and just want straight answers.


I personally apreciate all well-considered contributions. I might not necessarily agree but it’s good that there’s dialogue on here and important that someone from Tally is checking in.



How about adding something simple like this? No more than a few hours work and if you get feedback from customers not wanting to see their weight of tally in grams and ounces then you can easily remove it.


If you ask this in the correct section, it will be answered as this is in the open section and not the shareholder section or you can email for more info on this.

I will pass this on to the team as all feedback is appreciated.

I echo this, simple update, make it crystal clear just how much gold you own.

What would concern me would be any reluctancy to apply it, without giving some really clear and justifiable reasoning.

Feed back would be appreciated:)

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Said it before and I’ll say again, if tally was going to be a success it would have been off the ground a long long time back, this just feels like it’s slowly atrophying until it finally breaths its last and keels over, were just waiting to turn off the lights imo

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I didn’t agree in the past because I could see the potential here, but now I have to agree.

The recent comment from cameron that “tally is not about gold” was extremely informative, and explains why this product has been almost stagnant for 6 years with no interesting and informative upgrades related to gold. It also explains why the purchase of shares has been basically zero.

If his mindset and sales pitch is about him creating a new monetary system then anyone with half a brain would avoid buying in to it, as they know it is a doomed plan. I certainly wouldn’t have bought in to it, I’d have though he’s some crazy guy on the very edge of sanity, and thought “Good luck with that one, but not with my money”

I bought into tally and recommended it because it is actually 100% about the gold, but if the CEO can’t see that and is fixated on chasing a rainbow at the expense of the only sellable aspect of the whole product and business, then this is dead once they’ve burned through all the cash they currently have.