About the Bug reports category

At Tally feedback on bugs is vital to improving the stability of the product and enhance the experience our users go through.

Whilst this is great, it is very for us to track and collate and we don’t have always have all the data we need to reproduce or fix the particular bug.

To report your bug, create a thread in this category :+1:

Before you post

  1. Make sure your bug is not listed below :point_down:
  2. If your bug is listed, click on the link and use the heart icon to upvote it :heart:
  3. If your bug isn’t listed create a new thread with:
  • A brief description of the bug and what happens
  • A screen recording of the issue (screenshot if not possible)
  • Device, OS & Version.
  • Steps we should take to reproduce

We will take these bugs to our development team and explore getting them fixed. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the bug will be fixed immediately (it may be one that only affects a very small subset of customers) but we’ll do our best to get it fixed ASAP! :raised_hands:

Big shout out to @b1gdeano for suggesting this category.