Customer support is not responsive

On Monday 27th April my account got frozen and I contacted the support department.
Got a reply and some questions, which I answered.
But after my email on Tuesday 28th April, I have had no response from Tally support.

I have tried to phone, was not anwered and I left a voicemail with my details and I am still waiting to be contacted.
I tried Twitter, but they pointed me to the support account and they do not respond.

This is not a good development and my trust in this new product is rapidly vanishing.
Good and reliable communication with users is essential to build up a trustworthy network.

More then a week I have been waiting and trying to get some sort of interaction with a company that does not respond.
This is very frustrating, as I have no access to my money and nobody to talk to, to resolve the problem.

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I second this. Support contact has been lacking lately. This needs addressing.

@steam7 @b1gdeano

I have responded to every email that has come in up until about 5.30pm tonight.

If you have not received these please do email in again to with the reference community so I can check on all this for you.

@b1gdeano I have checked and I responded to your email on the 1st of May which you ha e viewed but I have no response to this. If you have responded please send a screenshot of this with resale reference as above as we will need to look into this as it is not showing on my side.

@steam7 I responded to your email on the 28th April asking for security information which you have viewed but I have had no response to, the second email I sent that is. If you have responded please send a screenshot of this as well please.

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PM you with screenshot of emails sent after that initial email.

Thanks @b1gdeano received this and I am investigating this matter now.

@b1gdeano @steam7
I have sent you both a new email on the matters you originally emailed in on, please come back to me on these so we can check everything is working properly.

Thanks Kris for picking this up. Let’s get my account issue resolved first and then we can find out where it went wrong. I have just replied to both your emails and included 2 screenshots of emails I sent to you on April 28 and April 30.
Let me know if you have received this email from today and those previous ones.

I can confirm these have been received and I have just responded to both to make sure you get these. I received the attachments but the emails in the screen shots did not come through but the screenshots will help us investigate this in detail.

Thanks for your explanation and your efforts.
I can now confirm, that I have been able to login into my Tally account again.

Let’s hope that the IT related problem will be resolved shortly.

I will add that my issues were resolved too and missing emails investigated.

Hopefully you find the issue out with your provider.

@b1gdeano @steam7
Thanks for confirming all is sorted and for reaching out on this matter.

I too had my account got frozen and I contacted the support department and it was agreed to close the account and retuned my funds. Approximately a third of the funds was returned and I have tried with several emails and phone calls to find out what is happening to the rest of my funds. No communication whatsoever.
Got a reply and some questions, which I answered.
The communication is poor, I have had no response from Tally support.
Its frustrating to say the least as I have no access to my money and nobody to talk to, to resolve the problem. I can’t find how to make a complaint so I can raise my issues.

Social media is my only tool

Hi Graham,

I have looked at your tickets and they are being dealt with by Jake at this time. He will come back to you on this matter as the accounts team are the only people able to deal with your request.

I was unable to deal with your situation as I am not in the accounts team and thats why Jake is dealing with it. He knows you have emailed in and will get back to you asap.