Add “Help” “?” Screen page no buttons working.
As well as “Buy Tally” Info page buttons.
and " Payment Confirmation" page buttons.
Samsung Note 8 Android.
Add “Help” “?” Screen page no buttons working.
As well as “Buy Tally” Info page buttons.
and " Payment Confirmation" page buttons.
Samsung Note 8 Android.
@geordiepiraterd we have released a new version on to the app store. We hope this resolve the issue. We have tested on Samsung devices.
Hi, just had a quick look and so far so good, the only issue is when clicking on the FAQ in the pop up, it closes the app.
I was able to send my niece some tally, I can only assume she got it as it seemed to work as it should from my point of view.
I did just notice, when checking my pin, the top of the numbers are cut off, this might cause a problem for some depending on the numbers.
Thanks @JonnyE if you are another bug topic with a screenshot we will get it logged…
I’ll email a screenshot to support, don’t really want to show my pin on here
Unable to update 28 Jan as locked out of community.
Updated directly in comms with Damon and team via e-mail.
Only remaining Bug = FAQs, which closes down our app immediately. Samsung Note 8 Android.
• Transfer IN from. £Uk bank account. Immediately, able to recognise exchange spot price, even if no longer able to see exchange spot price on transaction record. NEGATIVE APP IMPROVEMENT.
• Transfer OUT in to £Uk bank account. Immeadiate, BUT AS ABOVE NEGATIVE APP IMPROVEMENT.
• Transfer IN from Euro bank account IBAN Tfr DELAY remains. HENCE, due to “upgrade” = NO EASY APP IDEA OF SPOT PRICE ACHIEVED (calculator required) NEGATIVE APP IMPROVEMENT.
Tested majority of other presently available functions.
All Great!!
For me, require able to transfer back to my Euro bank account.
For my hundreds of team colleagues. need US% accounts recognised for transfer Soonest. All are Brits, frustrated while watching my Euro & Sterling deposits since June doing so well while they are disallowed, due to paid in $$$$… not all have same easy $ - £ or € exchange systems as I.
We are losing si many possible TALLYMONEY people!!
The FAQ still crashes the app using Android one
And issue continues on Android v.9 Samsung Note 8.
Tonight updated app and FAQs working. Android v.9 Samsung Note 8.
PLUS, All transactions again showing Tally = € and Tally = £ value at time of transaction. Excellent!!