When is the APP to be updated , and what new features can we expect ?
@stix40 the new update to the app is close to being finished and will be launch soon.
Thanks Kris
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Hi Kris just a couple of suggestions for the new V2 app
1). Is it possible to change the colour of the transaction date and time to white instead of black as it is difficult to read against the grey background.
2) Not sure why but after having logged in to the account next time I look at my account sometimes I need to do full login and other times I just need to put in my pin number? Which is what I prefer to do.
Looking forward to the next version
@Hovis thank you for your feedback and suggestions for the new app. I have passed these on to the development team and we are close to pushing the new app live.
Will the app V2 be showing the gold/tally price per ounce/gram for
Lowest, highest and average buy/deposit price
Lowest, highest and average Sell/withdrawal price
It’s a serious pain in the arse having to manually update a spreadsheet to try and keep tabs on what’s happening with my balance based on the current gold price compared to the fiat I’ve deposited. Having the info above, or at the very least, my average buy price, would at least give me a bit of info allowing me to determine if it is a good/bad time to deposit more or spend with the card.
Any news on useful new features?
I’ve been transferring in and out a few times recently and to be honest I have absolutely no idea where I am financially with this app. I been thinking about this recently and I can’t see any point to using this as a savings account with easy access.
Any long term savings to be held in gold can be held in Gold britannias, no fees and no capital gains tax.
No use for dipping in and out of, as there’s still no tally kept on my buy and sell prices, so after a few transactions its impossible to know if I’m losing or gaining against fiat.
Seems to be an app that is handy to save up to about £1500.00, but then use that to buy a physical ounce and keep that for the long term.
I know I’ve said this all before but that was a few years ago now and its no different.
All I want to know is… Is this ever going to be given the features that only a gold backed account like this could have, or is it just going to stay as a basic clone of a fiat account with none of the useful features it should have?
Information tally has:
All my bank deposit fiat/gold rates
All my bank withdraw fiat/gold rates
All my card purchase rates
The percentage increase/decrease of gold each day from each point anything goes in or out of the account.
It has information that could show, based on my usage, when I am spending above or below my buy-in / deposit rate.
It could tell me the exact percentage I am up or down compared to fiat, based on my usage.
It could tell me when I open the app, if I were to spend now, would I be spending below my average buy-in price or above it, helping people to ensure they are not buying high and selling (withdrawing/spending) low. Helping users to save with the app and not lose because of it.
There is an abundance of useful information that I expected to see on this app years ago but has never materialized, this would make tally a standout app because no other I’ve seen shows all this useful information that would help everyone… Isn’t that the whole point of this??
What information and help is there in this app that would show users the best time to buy/deposit or sell/withdraw or spend and how their current balance stands compared to deposits…?
Is a dangerous gamble to use it daily, unless you run your own spreadsheet to keep a tally of your transactions.
I can’t believe anyone would be interested enough to open a gold backed bank account and not want to see this basic information at a glance.
Hi Jonny
We have very big plans to be able to show realised and unrealised. We believe this will help greatly with converting customers to activity. Helping customers to understand their position is paramount. That being said, it’s a very big piece of work and requires and not something that our current infrastructure would be able to support. Lots of work is going on behind the scenes to migrate our existing architecture to a place that will support this and many other things that we wish to be able to deliver for our customers.