Why is this feature missing?

Why, after all this time is there no simple way to simply see
the total deposited
the total withdrawn
the total tally has taken
etc etc

At the very least I should be able to download a csv and then calculate it that way, but we have to manual calculate it??

@infinteTruth You can see this in your statements.

  • If you go to your profile (which is either your “Initial” or “Profile pic you uploaded”) which is the 1st circle in the top right hand corner of the screen.
  • Then scroll down until you see “Account statements” tap on this
  • Then you will need to select the year and month you wish to view
    You will then be shown the PDF of the statement and you can see the ins and outs for the month
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Regarding the statements, I know this has been mentioned numerous times, but the statements are not fit for purpose. They are not even slightly user friendly or helpful as a statement of account. Sure, they show an amount of tally, but this is of no use to anyone if they want to see how much they have put into the account, withdrawn, started the period with or ended it with.

A tally figure means nothing and should not be used as the main and in most cases, the only figure.

Everyone in this country uses the pound, not tally. Tally is the secondary denomination.

Convincing people to save in gold in the first place is a hard sell as tally are finding out. If people are aware of gold, they would most probably be aware of a unit of weight in grams and ounces. There is not one reference to gold within the app that I have seen, and no denomination such as 1 gram of tally or 1 ounce of tally. I have had this account since it started, but I would not have the first clue how much a random figure of tally is worth in GBP if asked.

This company has approx. 2-3 years left the way it is currently being run and developed. If it doesn’t start to create a product that people can relate to gold in an easy way, such as this, producing statements that actually reflect the currency amount that everyone in this county uses every single day, then it will simply die because it is too confusing and most people aren’t going to learn something new like tally is trying to force them to do.

You need to show the app and the statement to random people that have never heard of or used tally, and ask them simple questions such as, how much was deposited into this account in March 2020 and what was the balance of this account on 18/03/2020 (for example)

I can guarantee you they will not have the first clue what you are talking about.

While I appreciate the need for the small fractions of tally to enable small amounts of GBP to be converted, that is its only function. You are not going to convert anyone to denominate anything in tally itself. (other than maybe a loan where the lender wants exactly the same amount of gold back as was lent)

Bitcoin for example is known and used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, the biggest companies in the world are buying it, major governments are discussing using it as a reserve asset and some already are, Pension funds, ETF’s millions of people on the street, millions of articles every single day discussing it, yet who knows how much 0.434535 bitcoin is worth… No one, that’s why every single app or website converts it to the currency chosen by the user.

The customer is the important one and the app needs to be informative, interesting, useful, easy to understand and relate to things they already know. This is basic stuff that tally have failed to grasp and it will most likely cost all of us a lot of money.


They could literally indeed just put the pound (or local currency for other users) equivalent in brackets underneath the figures shown. It’s so simple a fix yet it could open so many doors. People love to see conversions.

@JonnyE, I will pass this on to the relevant team again for you.

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Thank you @JonnyE for this detailed response, I just can not believe that they have even over complicated and failed to deliver easy to understand statements. I can not even download or export a years worth, or even 3 months of statements in one go, thats just for starters. I downloaded a single months statement, redacted my personal information and uploaded to an AI chatbot and it had a field day with just how poor a statement this, it indeed closely reflected what @JonnyE stated … and a whole lot more.

It summarised, with the following

“This statement, as it stands, is poorly designed and impractical for UK users who need to understand their balance in pounds. Without GBP equivalents, it feels disconnected from the real-world context where users spend and save in GBP.
Let me know if you want help drafting an ideal statement format or communicating this feedback to TallyMoney. This kind of issue definitely warrants better financial reporting!”

This really is sad

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It’s embarrassing how little this company knows about even the basics. Yes they have built the product that allows people to save in gold and spend it on a debit card, but that was built about 7 years ago.

Since then they have spent millions of pounds to onboard a few tens of thousands of customers. The product is still the same other than a bit of a makeover.

They either have zero idea of the logical basics as described even by this ai, which common sense should have told them, or Cameron is still on his personal journey to make a new currency that everyone in the world will use, like some James bond villain. The only similarity being he will also fail.

The first feedback on releasing the statements after about 5 years of waiting, was that there needed an option to be .CSV and the customer should be able to select the start and end date…

Apparently they are working on a business account version, if that is anything like this version it’ll be a waste of more millions. I thought the £35 million wasted on the covid app was incompetent, but i think that might be beaten here.

Cameron needs to take a back seat and let someone with common sense and a creative mind develop this app, before he wastes what funds we have left.

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Sometimes the simplest things are the best. Like listening to users.

And shareholders. :wink:

Hi @kris-tally

Kris, I just deposited ÂŁ9800.00 in to my account and looked at the transaction details page. I just noticed the addition of Margin and Handling.

Margin 1,397.28 tally (ÂŁ96.96)
Handling 705.69 tally (ÂŁ48.97)

The deposit shows 139,036.51 tally (ÂŁ9,800.00)

Obviously there’s a deposit charge but why doesn’t it show the amount actually added to my account after deductions on the transaction details page in the total or at least show on the main home page transactions list?

Would it not be better to show the amount I’ve actually added to my account after charges, ie £9654.07

I didn’t actually check the balance before I deposited so I don’t know if it increased by £9800.00 or 9654.07 (+/- the gold price fluctuation)

Please don’t tell me this is hidden in the random tally figure that means nothing.

Also, is there somewhere I can see all the charges i’ve paid between two dates? Are these charges tax deductible? I’m not sure yet as I haven’t checked, but i would assume they are and they would be quite considerable after 7 years of paying them.

As requested numerous times by numerous people over the years, when will the statements be improved to reflect all these figures and selectable dates downloadable in .csv format to enable us to work out figures for a tax return?

I am only about 20% confident this company will survive past 3 years from now and if it does fail all these tax implications will come to a head once the liquidators get involved. They could hold back our deposits until all due tax is paid, and at this point no one has a clue what that is, and tally don’t give us the ability to work it out.

I keep giving this company the benefit of doubt, I decided to start adding a bit back in here after emptying my account due to all the issues, to support it because I’m invested, then something else raises its head again. Basic things never ever addressed, its extremely hard to support this company even if you want to.


@kris-tally @cameron-tally


I know this account is touted as a new currency called tally, but in reality and for tax purposes it is basically a broker account that facilitates easy selling of a commodity via a debit card, bank transfer, and transfer of ownership of the commodity to a different tally member, each of these in theory, being a tax point.

As mentioned above :point_up_2:t3: and several times in the past years, the fees and charges on the account are deductible from the CGT owed if the commodity increases in ÂŁ value.


To make it easy, a simple no, or yes we do by X date, will suffice.

Ignoring this does not remove your customers tax liabilities, but it could open them up to tax evasion issues.


@JonnyE I have passed this all on to the relative team and as soon as they come back to me I will let you know.

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Hi @kris-tally

Clearly no one at tally is interested in the tax implications of this account. I’m guessing it’s because the tax implications will be pushed forward a couple of years by which time tally will be insolvent and going through bankruptcy so aren’t concerned about it.

However, I am not a company, and I am not planning to run my company into bankruptcy in the next couple of years, as appears to be the plan with tally. So with that in mind, maybe you could advise which of the following choices I should make.

  1. Simply don’t mention any capital gains made from gold held in this account on any tax returns.

  2. Give a rough estimate of what I think it could be but tell HMRC to contact and investigate Tally so they can get exact figures.

I appreciate the customer service team will be busy dealing with the customers, but what exactly are the other 20 odd employees doing at tally. There’s absolutely zero being achieved here with more people than ever, and not one person can be bothered to respond to a tax liability enquiry from a customer and shareholder.

Shocking, but by no means surprising.


@JonnyE sorry for the delay in coming back to you.

We are working hard in the background on getting CGT statements ready and available in the app for all customers. However, if you or any customer has questions about the statements currently in the app please do get in touch with support via chat in the app.

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